The administration interface can be configured for specific users and cloud configurations. The following data can be used to show, hide, and disable functionality available to a user or cloud.
Name | Default | Description |
showServerConfigs |
true |
Display the cloud config tab and list accessible cloud configs. |
createServerConfig |
true |
Allow creation of new cloud configurations. |
showGroups |
true |
Display the groups tab and list accessible groups. |
createGroup |
true |
Allow creation of new groups. |
showUsers |
true |
Display the users tab and list accessible users. |
createUser |
true |
Allow creation of new users. |
showUserSettingsItem |
true |
Display the user settings item. |
showLibrary |
true |
Display the library tab and list accessible library items. |
createLibraryItem |
true |
Allow creation of new library items. |
showHome |
true |
Display the home tab. |
showSequences |
true |
Display the sequences tab and list accessible sequences. |
createSequence |
true |
Allow creation of new sequences. |
showScreens |
true |
Display the screens tab and list accessible screens. |
createScreen |
true |
Allow creation of new screens. |
showReports |
true |
Show the reports tab. |
showSoftwareLinks |
true |
Show the links to download the installation software. |
showUserManualLink |
true |
Show the link to this manual page. |
showAccessControls |
true |
Display the access tab and allow user to grant access to other users and groups. |
showData |
true |
Show the data tab and allow the user to add and modify raw data in objects. |
createCompositeItem |
true |
Allow the creation of items that display multiple images and videos at the same time. |
addCompositeWidgetItem |
false |
Allow a widget to be selected and added to a composite item. |
addCompositeSequenceItem |
true |
Allow an inner sequence to be selected and added to a composite item. |
pageSize |
20 |
The number of rows displayed in a table on a single page. |
reportPageSize |
100 |
The number of items to display on each page of a report. |
maxResults |
5000 |
The maximum results to fetch from the server in a single request. |
showAdvancedCondition |
true |
Display the advanced condition for stack items. |
editStackSettings |
true |
Allow the user to edit stack settings such as maximum duration and stacking above. |
showFullJson |
false |
Display the link to view the full raw JSON of a sequence. |
displayItemShowBuildButton |
true |
Display button for building content using a content builder. |
displayItemShowInternetButton |
true |
Display button for importing from an Internet source or displaying a web page. |
displayItemShowLibraryButton |
true |
Display button for selecting an item from the library. |
displayItemShowUploadButton |
true |
Display button for uploading new items. |
showDownloadButton |
true |
Show download button to export data. (Note: does not apply to reports) |
showMultipleSelectButton |
true |
Show the multiple selection button to perform actions on multiple items. |
showSearchButton |
true |
Show the search button used filter items by search text, groups and columns. |
editUserLabel |
true |
Allow the user to edit their name. |
editUserLocation |
true |
Allow the user to edit their location. |
showUserAdvanced |
true |
Show the advanced tab in the edit user dialog. |
editSequenceLabel |
true |
Allow sequence label to be changed. Can also be set in sequence data (user data overrides it). |
showRssPreviewOption |
true |
Show option to preview the sequence or screen as an evaluated Media RSS feed. |
showSequenceTestDataOption |
true |
Show option to add test data to a sequence. Used for testing advanced conditions. |
showExpireOptions |
true |
Show options to expire, reactivate and remove expired items from a sequence. |
showFindSequenceOption |
true |
Show find sequence option to stack items linking to an inner sequence. |
showCopyOption |
true |
Show copy option. |
showRemoveOption |
true |
Show remove option. |
showEditOption |
true |
Show edit option. |
showAddItemOption |
true |
Show add item option. |
showSignageNodeErrorReport |
false |
Show the option to view the summary of SignageNode errors. |
showScreenStatusHistoryReport |
true |
Show the option to view the historical screen status report. |
showSimulator |
true |
Show the option to simulate playback for testing. |
showSequenceMappingReport |
true |
Show the option to view the screen mapping report. |
showUserSummaryReport |
true |
Show the option to view the user and group summary report. |
showUserActionReport |
true |
Show the option to view the user action report. |
showDisplaySummaryReport |
true |
Show the option to view the display summary report. |
showDisplayReport |
true |
Show the option to view the display report. |
showMediaUploadReport |
true |
Show the option to view the media upload report. |
showCollectedDataReport |
true |
Show the option to view the collected data report. |
defaultReportSearchType |
screen |
Sets the default report search type for display report, display summary and collected data. Valid values screen sequence libraryitem screenId sequenceId itemId libraryItemId . |
extendedOfflineThreshold |
604800000 |
The delay (in milliseconds) a screen can be offline before it is hidden from the screens tab. |
showHomeServiceStatus |
true |
Show the service status (server, replication and reporting health) on the home tab. |
showBillingStatus |
false |
Show the billing status - billing group applied and how many screen not in a billing group. |
showConnectOption |
true |
Show the connect button. Used to create a tunnel to a SignageNode player. |
showScreenAlertButton |
true |
Show the alert button on the screens tab to allow quickly applying an override sequence to multiple screens in an emergency. |
Note: Additional visibility options can be added on request.
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