For recent release notes, please see:
Version 15.0 - 2019-08-05
- Added support to download, extract and execute special update packages. The
must contain a file
containing shell commands for how to apply the update. - When the option to Launch at startup and keep running is enabled, 2 Android alarms are continuously set to re-launch DS Loader after a failure. If the first launch fails, the 2nd occurs one minute later.
- Commands to post logs and screenshot now use a proxy server if configured.
- Device identification added to HTTP requests. (
Version 14.6 - 2019-05-08
- Reboot command no longer requires root permissions if APK signed with system key.
Version 14.5 - 2019-04-26
- Reboot command attempts to use Android power manager to trigger a system reboot. Note, this will only work if the .apk has been signed with system key. If it fails, the standard reboot shell command is used (requires root).
Version 14.4 - 2019-04-07
- Some new devices were incorrectly reporting 000000000000 as the MAC. If this occurs, alternate ways of reading the MAC address will be attempted. If they all fail, a random unused MAC starting 0200 will be used.
Version 14.3 - 2019-01-19
- Fixed problem with self upgrading. This prevented versions 13.0 and 14.0 from being able to upgrade ds-loader.apk to new versions on some rooted devices. Upgrading DS Loader from these versions must be performed manually.
Version 14.0
- Android 9 Pie blocks all web requests without encryption by default. Unfortunately, this prevents displaying clear text web sites, public blobstores and breaks proxy caching. DS Loader 14 enables a network security configuration that sets
to remove restrictions.
Version 13.0
- Fixed bug where DS Loader would start, exit and start again immediately after booting (if boot less than 40 seconds).
- Problem caused by player start notification sent to server before starting completed and without player version populated. The server would instruct ds loader to change player, which required an app restart. Server side fix applied to prevent this bug in 6.2.0.
Version 12.8
- Reads
from This allows the defaultautoStart
setting to be configured in the cloud config and compiled into the custom APK.
Version 12.7
- Prevention of a second instance of a player starting when onCreate() called twice during rotation on some versions of Android.
Version 12.6
- Screenshot option now uses Android system screencap on rooted devices so hardware accelerated video can be captured.
Version 12.5
- APK rebuilt and versionName set to 12.5 and versionCode to 1205
Version 12.4
- New Android Intent added to support USB to RS232 devices.
Version 12.3
- Scheduled restart, reboot and exit applied from screen data restartTime, rebootTime and exitTime variables. (Requires player 10.7)
Version 12.2
- Issues "netcfg eth0 down, netcfg eth0 up" if device rooted, eth0 is active and no comms in last 10 minutes.
Version 12.0
- Now uses repackaged classes from server version 4.0.
Version 11.2
- Loader information no longer displayed when running as a daydream.
- Hardware product label and Android API version displayed top right.
- MAC address shown top left in addition to center to help with reading on screens where the full resolution not visible.
Version 11.1
- MAC addresses 525400123456 and 00904C112233 are blacklisted. If a device has either of these MAC address or an address that starts 02 then new random address will be generated and verified with the server to be unique before it is used.
Version 10.2
- Network interfaces monitored. A retry will occur sooner after a network interface reports being reconnected.
- Connection timeout and read timeout for posting logs and screenshots increased from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
- Connections to post logs and screenshots will retry up to 5 times.
- DS Loader information now fades out before player starts.
Version 10.1
- Fix for devices that take up to a minute to restart. Life cycle changed so that finish() will cause management loop to exit and not wait for onDestroy().
Version 10.0
- Changed logic for automatic WiFi repair. WiFi is now turned off and on (reset) only after 20 successive communication failures. WiFi will not be repaired if it is disabled (alternate connection assumed) unless it was known to be disabled when performing automatic WiFi repair.
- Log entries reformatted to highlight starting and finishing the main DS Loader management loop.
- New permissions added for supporting future features such as voice commands.
- The Android System UI is only killed if the device is known to be rooted.
Version 9.4
- Root detection moved off main thread to improve startup time and reduce chances of ANR warning at startup.
Version 9.3
- Detection of rooted devices is more reliable. Tests by attempting to write a temporary file to protected area of file system as super user and checking it exists.
Version 9.2
- Old v1 players are disabled, then killed then removed. (Device must be rooted)
Version 9.0
- Additional layer of security added to verify player update integrity.
Version 8.7
- Device TimeZone used by
can now be overridden bytimeZoneOverride
Version 8.6
- Server time sent to the player improving dynamic clock accuracy for playback sychronisation.
Version 8.5
- MAC address now listed in DS Settings.
Version 8.3
- Rooted devices search for and delete v1 players.
Version 8.2
- Temp directory (used for testing) now emptied at startup.
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