The Audience Analytics functionality was powered by Seemetrix from 3DiVi.
Unfortunately this company has Russian links. We have removed the functionality for security reasons.
Use audience analytics to target certain demographics with specific sequence items. For example, you could add a condition that means an advert for a men's clothing store displays only when the camera identifies one or more males nearby.
Note: In order to build audience analytics conditions, you must have a camera and analytics software active on the device.
To ensure an item is displayed when people identified as adult males are nearby:
- Sign in to the admin interface.
- On the top menu bar, click Sequences.
- On the Sequences tab, click the Open button () to expand a sequence item.
- Move the cursor over the stack item you want to schedule and click the Options button ().
- Select Edit from the pop-up menu to display the Stack item dialog.
- On the Stack item dialog, click the Condition tab.
- Click Build new condition to display the Build new condition dialog.
- Click Audience analytics.
- Select the criteria that you want to be met. For example, Male: adult, happy, neutral.
- Click Apply to save the condition and close the dialog.
- The condition can be tested using the Set test data option in sequence options.
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